With so much readily available information online most people have every reason to wonder if they can buy or sell a home through the internet or through regular marketing and advertising mediums without representation, i.e. without using a real estate negotiator. Here are several reasons you might want to consider hiring a professional real estate negotiator.
Field experience
You may learn up every bit of information the internet has to offer and then some but there’s nothing like field experience. Learning something and doing it are two different ball games. Having someone who knows the ropes to find your dream home and manage every detail in procuring it as compared to you having to take time off to first learn up the trade then get in to it and not know how to manage the contingencies that every day real estate negotiators manage day in and out.
Spam buffers
Negotiators filter spam out of your property showings and visits. As a new home buyer, your negotiator will keep the builder’s negotiators at bay, preventing them from taking you for a ride. If you’re a seller, your negotiator will sift through all those phone calls that lead nowhere and try to instigate serious buyers to write up an offer as soon as possible.
Professional network
Real estate negotiators communicate with other professionals daily, many of whom provide services that you will need to buy or sell. Due to legalities, many negotiators will hesitate to recommend a certain individual or company over another, but they can provide a list of references with background information. Being in the field, they would typically know which vendors have a reputation for efficiency.
Mediate professionally
Good real estate negotiators negotiate well because, unlike most buyers and sellers, they can remove themselves from the emotional aspects of the transaction and they are skilled to mediate. It’s in their job description to represent their client’s case in the best light and agree to hold client information confidential from competing interests.
Handling volumes of paperwork
Today’s purchase agreements run up to 10 pages or more, excluding the federal- and state-mandated disclosures or those dictated by local customs. Bear in mind that most real estate files average from one to three inches in paper thickness and that one tiny mistake or omission could cost you thousands of ringgit. A real estate negotiator can be hired to do all this tedious work for you.
Source: propertyguru.com.my